Drivers and passengers involved in a Phoenix car accident will likely sustain some type of serious accident injury. The types of car accident injuries an individual will suffer depend on a wide variety of other factors, including the speed at which the vehicle was traveling, the type of vehicle, and the number of vehicles involved in the accident. If you have suffered an injury in a Phoenix car accident, contact a personal injury attorney at Mushkatel, Gobbato, & Kile, P.L.L.C. right away. Our attorneys have years of experience assisting clients in pursuing the compensation they rightfully deserve under the law. Below is information on common injuries suffered in car accidents.
What Are Some Physical Car Accident Injuries?
Facial Injuries
Vehicles these days are equipped with airbags and other safety features designed to protect drivers and passengers in the event of a crash. Despite these precautions, car accident victims can receive cuts, lacerations, and other facial injuries from broken glass, flying debris, or contact with airbags, dashboards, the steering wheel, windows, and more. Bruising, fractures, and jaw injuries are also quite common.
Neck and Back Accident Injuries
When one moving vehicle comes in contact with another moving vehicle or a stationary object, the jolt of the impact alone is capable of causing the neck to strain. Whiplash and other types of neck injuries are very common in vehicle-related crashes, and vary in severity based on the force of the impact to the body. Injuries to the lower back can result in herniated discs, fractures, and limited mobility. Symptoms from these types of injuries may not appear for days or weeks after the accident.
Spinal Cord Injuries
Spinal cord injuries are generally seen in serious car accidents, and can occur whenever the spinal cord tissue gets torn or the back suffers an extreme impact. Displaced bone fragments or any other direct trauma to the nerves, tissue, vessels or bones surrounding the spinal cord often leads to permanent impairments. This type of injury is capable of leaving an individual with a complete or incomplete loss of feeling and mobility.
Brain Injuries and Head Trauma
Any trauma to the head or brain is likely to result in significant, debilitating injuries. Depending on the severity of the impact, as well as the point of impact, symptoms of brain injuries can be temporary or lifelong. Even in cases where there does not appear to be any significant external damage, internal cuts, bruising, bleeding or swelling on the brain can leave an individual with permanent disabilities and in need of life-long care.
Internal Injuries
Not all vehicle-related injuries will be evident at the scene of the accident. In some instances, an individual may appear as if he or she suffered only minor injuries, when he or she has in fact suffered serious trauma to internal organs. Internal injuries to the heart, lungs, liver, kidneys, bowels, and other internal organs can cause substantial damages and put an accident victim in a life-threatening situation. This is one reason why it is urgent to get a full medical assessment immediately after any vehicle wreck.
Mental and Emotional Car Crash Injuries
Car crash injuries may not be just physical. Car wreck victims may sustain emotional or psychological injuries too. Mental and emotional injuries such as shock, stress, anxiety, inexplicable anger, embarrassment, mood swings, post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), or depression are seen more often than not in serious accidents. Families of people killed in car accidents can also suffer from these types of psychological injuries.