The divorce process in Arizona is confusing for many people. It can also be emotionally devastating and an overwhelming experience. The divorce process officially begins when one spouse files a petition for dissolution of marriage with the clerk of the Superior Court that has jurisdiction of the case. Other paperwork…

Married couples may accumulate significant assets during their relationship. When they split up, this property must be divided. Arizona has a variety of rules that can help determine how property is divided in a divorce. If you would like to know what goes into deciding how property is split during…

Every year, more than 20,000 Arizona couples file for divorce. Under the best circumstances, separating couples can be civil with one another and remain practical enough to reach settlements on their own. But in many cases, especially those that include arguments over money, emotions take over and make finding a resolution…

Couples seeking a divorce in Arizona have a complex legal road to travel. By the time you begin the process, you may already be separated. One or both of you may have moved out of town or state. That leaves the question of whether both spouses must be present in…

For some people, divorce is a freeing experience, enabling them to move on to a new chapter in their lives with a new partner. In Arizona, there is no waiting period for remarriage after divorce, so technically you can remarry as soon as your divorce is finalized. However, having another…

Getting a divorce is not a decision that anyone arrives at quickly. Yet, once you make the decision to go through with a divorce, you will probably want to get through the process as soon as you can in order to move forward with your life. It may help you to have…

Making the decision to permanently leave your spouse by seeking a divorce is never easy. Indeed, even if you are angry, frustrated, sad and no longer in love, saying goodbye to the person whom you once loved deeply, and with whom you have made countless memories over the years, can be a…

You hear a lot of rumors about divorce in Arizona when you go through one. One common rumor is that you and your spouse will have to split everything equally because Arizona is a “community property” state. Some people also call it a “50/50” state. Don’t let the name fool you. Not…

Today, most states recognize the right of two individuals to marry and separate as they please and when they please. If a husband or a wife is no longer content in the marriage, that spouse may leave it. This was not always the case, however.Not too long ago, in many…

Divorce is an experience that most people never think they will go through during their lives. For this reason, many people enter the divorce process without a good idea of what they should expect in the months ahead in terms of the legal process. Equally important, many persons are not…