Many Arizona residents get injured in auto accidents when they fail to yield the right of way to emergency vehicles, or when they react incorrectly. Under state law, emergency vehicles have certain rights when they operate on the road. Also, if you approach a road crew vehicle or emergency vehicle…

In Arizona, motor vehicle accidents are the most common cause of preventable deaths of children. According to a CDC study from 2023 found that over 30% percent of children who died in a car crash were not properly buckled in or wearing a seat belt at all. Using the appropriate car seat…

Arizona is a fault-based insurance system. This means that in Arizona, the one who is responsible for causing a car accident is also responsible for paying for the damages. Is Arizona a no-fault state? Is Arizona a No-Fault State? This “you break it, you buy it” theory is what differentiates…

After a Phoenix car accident, there are some steps you need to take in order to protect your rights to full and fair compensation for the damages you have suffered. One of the big things you will need to do is file a car accident report. The law enforcement officers…

Drivers involved in left-hand turn car accidents are routinely found to be at-fault under Arizona traffic laws. This is because drivers who are turning left must yield to oncoming traffic under Arizona law. In fact, existing right-of-way laws are written broadly to protect other motorists and make liability more likely…

Serious injuries from car accidents can have a devastating effect on the lives of those involved. Drivers and passengers alike may find themselves in need of emergency medical treatment, long-term medical care, and rehabilitation long after the accident. In addition, injured individuals may be unable to return to work and…

Parents throughout the country have good reason to be worried when they hand the keys to their car over to their teenager. Simply put: Teens face a high risk of getting into a car accident. As the Insurance Institute for Highway Safety reports, drivers between the ages of 16 and 19 are…

Phoenix was among the first cities in the country to have Uber drivers. The ride-sharing service began to operate in the Valley back in 2012. If you are not familiar with Uber, here is a brief explanation: The ride-sharing service allows people to hail rides by using an app on their…

If another driver causes you to be involved in an auto accident in Arizona, your primary legal option is to file a claim against that driver. You might seek recovery of your property damage, medical expenses, lost income, pain and suffering and other harm through the other driver’s liability insurance…

In November 2012, AZ Tech Beat announced Uber officially arrived in Phoenix. Uber is not the only ridesharing service in the region, however. Lyft also is used in the Phoenix area as well as other, lesser-known services, such as Total Transit. Ridesharing services are similar to taxis. Drivers answer calls, pick…