Category: Personal Injury

Two drivers explaining who's to blame in the car accident.

In Arizona, drivers must carry proof of financial responsibility to cover any damage or injuries they cause in an accident. Most drivers choose to meet this requirement by purchasing liability insurance. However, not all drivers follow the law. If an uninsured driver hits you, you could be left with costly…

Close-up focus on driving highway.

Brake checking involves suddenly slamming on a vehicle’s brakes for no reason other than to aggravate or scare the driver immediately following behind. While Arizona’s statutes do not explicitly forbid it, drivers who brake check can be prosecuted under other state laws.  A motorist who causes a rear-end collision while…

Happy couple golf carting inside the village.

You’ve probably noticed that golf carts are common sights on the streets of Arizona. But do you know just how many there are in the state – or how often they’re involved in accidents? The answers might just surprise you.     Table of ContentsHow Many Golf Carts Are Registered…

Lawyers discuss meeting for mediation.

In an Arizona personal injury case, mediation is a process where the claimant, the at-fault party, and their legal representatives meet with an impartial third party. The aim is to reach a mutually acceptable solution without needing courtroom litigation. This type of alternative dispute resolution (ADR) offers many benefits for…

Girl teen driving happily.

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), teen drivers between 16 and 19 have the highest rate of motor vehicle crashes among all age groups. This group of young drivers experiences a fatal crash rate almost three times higher per mile driven than drivers 20 and older. Here’s what…

A woman crossing a pedestrian lane in Arizona.

While the public generally understands that pedestrians have the right-of-way when sharing the road with motor vehicle and bicycle traffic, pedestrians also must follow specific right-of-way laws. Here, we’ll discuss some of the guidelines that pedestrians must follow under Arizona state law. Table of ContentsWhat are the Right-of-Way Laws for…