Gun Laws in Arizona: The Do’s and Don’ts

It is no secret that Arizona has some of the loosest gun laws in the nation. Arizona is one of the few states that allow a person to carry a concealed weapon without a permit. Here we will go over some of the Arizona gun laws.
In fact, Arizona does not require a person to register any gun purchased in the state or require identifying information of any kind from any Arizona resident who owns, possesses, purchases, sells, or transfers a firearm.
However, you can still get into trouble for carrying a firearm in Arizona. Federal firearm laws apply in all states and there are specific places and situations where it is not legal to carry a firearm in Arizona. Should you find yourself find legal trouble for carrying a firearm into a place where it does not belong, you may need legal representation. The law firm of Mushkatel, Gobbato, & Kile, P.L.L.C., can help answer any legal questions you may have regarding your situation.
What Are Some Examples of Illegal Use of Firearms in Arizona?
- It is illegal to carry a firearm into a secured area of an airport.
- It is unlawful for a person to bring a firearm into a public establishment or to bring a firearm into a public event if the operator or the sponsor of the event has asked the person to give up the weapon to be stowed in secure storage before entering.
- If a retail store has posted a carry prohibition, then you may not bring a weapon in.
- You may not carry a firearm into a polling station.
- It is illegal to carry a deadly weapon on school grounds.
- While it may not be illegal to bring a firearm into a business that serves alcohol on the premises (unless legally posted otherwise), it is always illegal for a person who brings a firearm into such an establishment to consume any alcohol while armed.
There are other gun restrictions that apply in the state, including bringing firearms into federal buildings, military bases, and prisons.
Obviously, you can find yourself in legal hot water if you carry a firearm into a place where it does not belong. If you have questions about your legal rights, call the criminal defense attorneys at the law firm of Mushkatel, Gobbato, & Kile, P.L.L.C. in Phoenix, Surprise, Glendale, Peoria, and Scottsdale. We can be reached at (480) 467-3434 or contact us online today.