
Divorce law

The decision to dissolve a marriage is not an easy one to make, but in some cases, it may be the best course of action. If you have decided that divorce is the right solution to your marital difficulties, you should first ensure that you meet the legal requirements to file….

Our Peoria car accident attorneys report on the perils of using social media to discuss your car accident.

Many people do not think twice about voicing their opinions, sharing their thoughts, and updating friends on their day-to-day activities via Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram. The problem is that posting your personal information on the various social media sites could create problems for you as well, particularly in injury cases….

Our Peoria estate planning lawyers list the estate planning docs you need for your aging parents.

As our parents age, legitimate concerns will arise as to whether they have an estate plan, including all the right documents, and whether everything is in order. Do not assume your parents have already taken these steps; many people die “intestate” – without a will. Essentially, should your parent pass…


Our elderly parents are often in a condition that we just cannot manage at home. Cases of dementia, serious illnesses, physical incapacitation, and other medical or mental problems lead us to the decision to place our loved ones in a nursing home for professional care and treatment. We choose a…


Drunk driving laws were put in place to protect those traveling on our streets, roads and highways from the dangers of intoxicated drivers. The law also protects your rights – but how? Obviously, driving while heavily intoxicated endangers other motorists. No matter how much legislation is passed or penalties increased, cases…


Domestic violence can impact any person of any age, ethnicity, or economic level, and both women and men are victims of abuse. Abusive behavior is unacceptable, whether it is physical or emotional, as well as being illegal. The first step in dealing with this very difficult issue is to acknowledge…


For most people in Arizona, a Last Will and Testament is probably the first choice for passing an estate on to heirs. However, depending on the diversity of your assets, you may decide to form a revocable living trust to take advantage of its before and  after death benefits. As always, it…