
During the divorce process, you and your spouse may benefit by coming to an agreement regarding several issues. Some of those issues might include division of the marital property, child custody arrangements, and whether child and/or spousal support is needed. Despite the large role that finances may play in these…

Before you meet with an experienced Phoenix estate planning attorney like the team at Mushkatel, Gobbato, & Kile, P.L.L.C., you may wish to consider several questions. Careful consideration of your answers to these questions can help you clarify what will likely be part of your estate and what you want to happen…

Scottsdale family law attorneys discuss Arizona covenant marriage

In 1998, Arizona’s legislature passed a law to create the option of a “covenant marriage” This option does not affect the standard laws for Arizona marriages, but it creates a separate option for couples who wish to choose it. Some of the basics of covenant marriage are discussed below: You…

Marriage and divorce may affect Social Security retirement or disability benefits in several ways. Understanding how marriage and Social Security laws work can help you protect any benefits you may receive in the event that you proceed through a divorce. What Are Some Social Security Spousal Benefits? The Social Security Administration (SSA) allows spouses…

Alimony, often called “spousal support” or “spousal maintenance,” is money that one spouse pays to the other spouse. It may be paid during a divorce, after the divorce is final, or during both periods. Men and women are equally eligible to pay or to receive spousal maintenance payments in Arizona. Maintenance is…

When you are facing divorce in Arizona, it is natural to want to turn to those you trust for support and advice. While emotional support is vital during the divorce process, sound legal advice from an experienced Phoenix divorce lawyer is always a must. The reason you should always speak to your own…

Couples who are in the divorce process in Arizona and who have children under age 18 should create a written “parenting plan” for several reasons. Parenting plans spell out important details, such as which parent will take care of the child at which times and which parent will have legal custody. If…

Each year, about 1.4 million U.S. couples go through the divorce process. While some divorcing spouses emerge from the process in a fairly good position, others face financial and legal headaches that may last for years. Why the difference? Not all couples take the time to learn about and avoid…

If you pass away with a valid will in Arizona, the probate court will handle tasks like appointing your chosen personal representative and overseeing the administration of your estate as your personal representative follows the instructions in your will. The probate court handles the assets that your will distributes, but not all…