Arizona’s hot and dry climate is well suited to year-round motorcycle riding. Yet, motorcyclists know they face risks as they ride. Motorcyclists do not have the protection enjoyed by the occupants of cars and trucks. A motorcyclist in an accident is almost certain to be injured and may suffer severe injury or death.
The Arizona Department of Public Safety says 43.8 percent of the motorcycle accidents in our state in 2013 involved a collision with a moving motor vehicle.
A motorcyclist injured in an accident has the right to seek compensation for their losses from the at-fault driver. Motorists who claim they “did not see” a motorcyclist are not making a valid excuse.
If you or a loved one has suffered injuries in a motorcycle crash in Sun City, please contact Mushkatel, Gobbato, & Kile, P.L.L.C., and speak with a personal injury attorney. We provide aggressive, skilled, and experienced representation to motorcyclists who have been injured in traffic collisions. Schedule an initial consultation with a motorcycle accident attorney today.
Arizona Motorcycle Accidents and Injuries on the Rise
A recent report by the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) said that as more people in the U.S. are riding motorcycles now than ever before, motorcyclist deaths and injuries are also on the rise. The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) says 4,957 motorcyclists were killed in motor vehicle traffic crashes in 2012, an increase of 7 percent from 2011. Another 93,000 motorcyclists were injured in vehicle crashes in 2012, a 15 percent increase from 2011.
According to the Arizona Department of Public Safety’s Arizona Crash Facts, motorcycle crashes represent only 2.9 percent of all traffic crashes in Arizona in the latest year of published statistics, but 79.9 percent of motorcycle crashes resulted in injury and 4.7 percent were fatal. By comparison, among all motor vehicle crashes, 31.7 percent caused personal injuries and 0.7 percent were fatal.
In Arizona, motorcycle registration increased by about 16 percent between 2009 and 2013, with more than 180,000 bikes now on the road. The highest death and injury rates among motorcyclists in crashes from 2001 to 2008 were among 20- to 29-year-olds, the CDC says. But from 2003 to 2012, motorcycle fatalities within the 40-and-older age group increased by 63 percent, according to the NHTSA. In 2012, the average age of motorcycle riders killed in motor vehicle traffic crashes was 43 – up from 38 in 2003.
The CDC says motorcyclists in nonfatal accidents often suffer multiple injuries. More than half of all nonfatal injuries treated in emergency rooms were to the leg/foot (30 percent) or head/neck (22 percent). A motorcyclist injured in an accident is likely to suffer cuts, bruises, scrapes (known as “road rash”), sprains, and worse. Other common injuries include:
- Leg and foot injuries (fractures, amputations)
- Head and neck injuries (traumatic brain injury, including concussion, and spinal cord injuries)
- Arm and hand injuries (fractures, amputations)
- Upper trunk injuries (fractured ribs and/or sternum, spinal cord injuries)
- Lower trunk (abdominal) injuries (internal organ damage, pelvic fractures).
Justice for Victims of Arizona Motorcycle Wrecks
A motorcyclist injured in an accident may need emergency medical treatment, hospitalization, surgery, and lengthy recovery that includes physical rehabilitation therapy.
Motorcyclists hurt in motor vehicle accidents that were not their fault have a right to monetary compensation for their medical expenses, lost income during recovery, pain and suffering damages, as well as any property damages. They can seek a monetary recovery through the at-fault driver’s liability insurance or through their own insurance coverage.
It is important to obtain legal help to ensure that you obtain the full and fair compensation you deserve. Adjusters for profit-minded insurance companies work to pay out as little as they can on claims. An experienced motorcycle accident attorney working for you can help ensure a full accounting for past, current, and future medical expenses and lost income, as well as what you are due for pain and suffering.